Thripline ams - 10 per case
Thripline pheromone lure for Western Flower thrips causes thrips to move to the top of the crop resulting in earlier detection and estimation of population size.
Thripline contains a synthetic version of a sexual aggression pheromone produced of Western Flower Thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis. Naturally it is produced by male and it attracts both male and female thrips into mating aggregations. It will not attract thrips from outside of the general crop area. The pheromone is encapsulated in rubber lures (septa) and is released gradually over several weeks.
This product contains 10 of the thrip lures. It is designed to improve the sensitivity of monitoring traps for thrips, particularly at low levels of infestation or in easily damaged crops. Use of Thripline for monitoring allows growers to introduce additional control measuresbefore thrips populations reach damaging levels. Fits well into a thrips ICM program with other biological control agents and/or chemical spray treatments.
This product will be shipped directly from the manufacturer and freight charges are additional.