Product Type
Azatin® O Insecticide 1 Quart Bottle - 6 per case
Azatin® O is a newly-formulated biological insect growth regulator (IGR) used to control the larval stage of a broad-spectrum of greenhouse and nursery pests. Azatin® O is OMRI listed (Organic Materials Resource Institute), is soft on beneficials, and carries a 4-hour REI. Azatin® O is for use both indoors and outdoors on ornamental and horticultural crops. Azatin® O causes a hormonal disruption, which breaks the insects’ natural life cycle. While insects may not die immediately, feeding generally stops quickly.
- Active Ingredient: Azadirachtin
- Chemical Class: Biopesticide Insect Growth Regulator (MOA: UN)
- REI: 4 hours
- Signal Word: Caution
- Method: Foliar Spray
- Insects Controlled: Aphids, Armyworms, Black Vine Weevils, Cankerworms, Caterpillars, Chafers, Cutworms, Flies, Leafhoppers, Leaf Miners, Thrips, Whiteflies, Various Beetles including Colorado Potato Beetles, Japaneese Beetles and June Beetles
- Rate: 4-16 oz/100 gal, 1.2 mL-4.8 mL/1 gal (See label for complete rate information)
This item will only be sold in IL, IN, IA, MI, MN, ND, SD and WI if it is registered. Always read the product label prior to use.